Saturday, July 6, 2013

The "Limitless" state of mind - multidimensionality -state of mind of both billionaire and monk

Hi, multidimensional seekers!  Today, while I am working on "holding space" for a new venture I am manifesting in the energy industry, I am listening to Michael Bernard Beckwith's "TranscenDance", a great CD I learned about last year from a friend I met in a Law of Attraction class I helped manifest for my community.

Limitlessness & Resources to get there.  There was a movie a few years ago called "Limitless", which, if you change "drug" to "meditation" you get the state of mind of the billionaire monk....clarity, certainty. self-awareness.  That's called "awake".   Once you get there you never lose the ability to get there again, but it takes focus and so you can "backslide" when you are exhausted like the guy in the movie does when he's off the "drug" back into a state of consciousness that is all 3D.  "On the drug" he has multidimensional consciousness, that is, access to higher consciousness and 3D consciousness at the same time.  He uses it to have great adventures, impress people, defend himself from danger, and make incredible amounts of money, by divining the future.  Every human has the power but not the knowledge to reach this "limitless" state.  I learned about it in 1997 from a book, "Three Magic Words" published by U.S. Andersen in 1954.  (PS I understand "The Secret" may have been based on this book.  If so, it left out a LOT, kind of like a long commercial incites and entertains, but leaves out a lot of the facts relating to a product.)  Multidimensional living is truly "limitless" compared to living solely in 3D but there is a lot about it to understand in order to improve life and life circumstances.
"Tricks" to multidimensionality:
The first "trick" is to never completely leave either state of mind, but to live in BOTH simultaneous, constantly, as if they are ONE, shifting your weight from one to the other as necessitated by the work., friends, lovers, employees - those who are dependent upon you...may not follow you to your higher levels and to that extent this path can create a bit of distance between requires some space to be effective...hence, the observation that many of the ultra rich who made their own fortunes seem a little distant to their families.
The second "trick" is strategizing with the limitations of time and space.  Give yourself 30 days of practice to achieve a manageable balance between 3D and multidimensionality that works for you in the short term with work, family, etc.  Multidimensionality is essentially escaping time and space to get things done.  If you have extreme goals such as mine, which involved changing every aspect of your life in a very short period of time, you may experience an "ego-split" which can be quite scary, although it is actually not dangerous at all.
The third trick is "letting go".  To use the power at the multidimensional level, you have to "let go" of your physical work and access the higher dimensional energy.  3D energy works more in the physical, if you focus on it, it interferes.  You have to let it go and focus on holding space, which is what it's called when you access the higher vibration energy.  It'd akin to the emotional state of hope, but it's much higher vibration, more like faith or trust, but not the faith or trust most of us learned in's more like the faith or trust you involuntarily access when you are about to fall off a cliff or get hit by a car....THAT level of faith and trust.
The fourth trick is remembering that everything is a matter of degree.  You are attempting to "shift" your awareness, not change it all altogether, forever and ever from what you are to some other form of life...this IS the form of life that you are as a human being.  This "evolution" you feel going on is a "shift" and not a "revolution".  It is a state of being that has been achieved before many times and nothing monumental is going to happen because you reach it, except YOUR OWN AWARENESS and your own PARTICIPATION in what monumental things are possible.  Yep.  It's worth it.
The fifth trick is holding onto your dreams when you realize that even greater possibilities exist than you were able to think of in your pre-practice state of mind. Knowing how to access higher dimensions is a skill learned with practice, like can increase your ability the more you work the system right, so much so that you can surprise even yourself and surpass even your own wildest dreams, if you do it right. To become the billionaire, then, I needed a REASON other than just money itself...something that is a higher level value so that my dream would still be valid for me at my higher level state of mind.
The sixth trick is purpose.  You can manifest anything you choose with the same strategies I used - there is no reason at all it has to be about money if that bothers you (it is limited thinking if you choose it, but that path may be more exciting to you or have a purity to it you prefer that my own personal belief system no longer acknowledges),  Heck if you accidentally make a mistake and produce a billion dollars from your own belief system, you can always give it away, eh?  You can be the Monk without being the Billionaire.  Choose the experience most MEANINGFUL for your and your accomplishment has greater assurance of being achieved.

Namaste seekers, for now.


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