Friday, June 23, 2023

 Dear Rich,

I am writing a series of articles for an industry publication widely read by compliance officers in which I make up hypothetical situations using copyrighted cartoon and comic book characters such as Charlie Brown gang, The Marvel superheroes, the Archie comic book gang, Scooby-Doo and other well-known characters in an introductory paragraph assigning the characters roles and motivations in the hypothetical. 

I would hardly be convincing to these compliance officers that I knew what I was talking about with respect to legal compliance if I didn’t know enough to comply with intellectual property law by making proper attribution.Remember the law school hypotheticals?

I used comic book names.

My first article uses Thor and the Marvelous universe of investment as an example and other Marvel trademarked and copyrighted characters. I think the mythical character of Thor is in the public domain, but it’s actually the Marvel universe that sets the stage for my hypotheticals – Asgaard as the ideal, Thor as the Investment Advisor Representative changing firms with lofty sounding names, Tony Stark as the lawyer Iron Man.

I understand there is a “fair use” exception in intellectual property law that allows me to use copyrighted characters to “make funny” as in a parody or social commentary rather than for commercial purposes, but I am not sure how far it goes. There is no compensation for the article. It would appear in a trade magazine such as that produced by the trade member organization and perhaps be reprinted someday on the website of the law firm I work for as a paralegal. The second article uses Charlie Brown characters. The object of the article is to convey some dry material in a light amusing charming manner to lift the mood of the piece and provide a different perspective than is usually addressed in the industry where the salesman is usually seen as the most likely to be at fault when something goes wrong. Charlie Brown is the oft maligned Investment Advisor Rep and Lucy is the one who keeps fooling him into trusting her by feeding him confusing information or regulations he can’t figure out how to use. I have attached a really early draft of the first article. The second is still awaiting the legal hypothetical to be assigned to me.

What do you think? I am definitely benefiting from the popularity of these characters, with proper attribution to their creators, to get attention to the more serious issues of fiduciary duty to brokerage and investment advisor customers. And to overcome the stigma of Investment Advisor Reps always being seen as the bad guy.

Next question – how do I source the proper attribution language for each set of characters and is that enough?  Is it something easy to do on the internet? I understand The Walt Disney company owns the Marvel characters. Is it as easy as googling? The characters of Peanuts and related intellectual property are reputedly owned by Peanuts Worldwide, which is 41% owned by WildBrain Ltd., 39% owned by Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc., and 20% owned by the family of Charles M. Do I just say this as my “attribution” in a footnote? If it’s not, if it requires permission, I doubt my boss will allow me to go this route. We’re not profiting from it, so there wouldn’t be any royalties involved. Although if we reprint it on our website, that could be considered lawyer “advertising.”

I understand the 4 fair use exceptions to copyright are: Fair use of copyrighted works, as stated in US copyright law, “for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.” The trade organization makes copies of the articles in its member publication (annual dues $475 are usually paid by the firms that employ the compliance professionals) available to members and while it doesn’t offer them individually for sale that I know of, it does charge membership fees and its subscription is one of the benefits to members.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Assuming Mastery (some details to come)

July 15, 2013
Greetings seekers!
It has been a week since I committed to showing you how I manifest a fortune.  I will have to fill in the blog posts for the past week as things have moved so fast and there is so much to share that I could not fit it all in and still experience the benefit I intended which is to show you how a Billionaire and  Monk can live in the same body sucessfully, peacefully, productively so that you can understand and experience sufficiently to know and understand the path
Here is a summary of how I started off (details later):
First I set aside all else and focused on creating a program (details later) within which I scheduled into my day every practice I have learned which I attribute to the path of the Billionaire Monk....many practices that I have learned are required, I have found, to keep me FOCUSED on the path CONSTANTLY enough to cause the intended result, whatever it is...this time of course, it is the manifesting of a fortune in wealth.
Then I practiced these daily, every day, all day, intently.  It did require giving up a few things you might find a little daunting....including TV, family, almost outside activities and clubs which involved any conflict, personal challenges, psychology, use of 3D professional skills, or negative energy.  (details later)  I was able to maintain a meeting with a group of writers, an all day event with my son in a town I had to drive all day to in order to bring him some stuff he wanted to move, an interaction with some children in the neighborhood whom I protect, several daily emails, and a counseling of a neophyte off the path.
Immediately I was confronted by distractions....I mean, in one hour four people tried to drag me off what I was doing and I had to terminate contact without intention to renew....I mean give up a relationship essentially, change my relationship with a person essentially forever.  (details later)

Here is a summary of what happened next (details later):
Then things began to happen.  I had several "ascension" experiences, including intense insights (details later) and one physical manifestation of my ultimate power as a HU-Man to "call in" whatever I wanted to manifest, that is, the domination of the spirit of a HU-Man over his environment and experiences.
Then about midnight last night I had the ultimate epiphany.  I consulted two of my sites ( and and I took from the latter's July 6 "event" (see the "Library") the Merabh "shift" to "Embodied Enlightenent" - that is, I "assumed Mastery" - I assumed the role of Master (ie no longer a student, but a Master).  (more details later).
This is a big one.  It involves constant recognition that changes one's perception from conscious awareness that just about everything in nature is a "distraction" to EVERYTHING that happens is for the purpose of MY enlightenment.  It makes  ME the most important thing there is in the world I live in.  I put my own Enlightenment BEFORE family (details later), wealth (details later) and all else.

And here is some CONTEXT to understand the SHIFT and the Role of the Master (what I have been calling "the path of the Monk" has evolved to the path of Embodied Enlightenment, or, the path of the Master, but I think I'll keep calling it the path of the Billionaire Monk for now):
Now that I have ASSUMED the Role of Master, it doesn't mean I'll never be rich, it means I have confirmed to myself and the Universe and to that I AM energy that has been hanging around me WAITING for my entire life (maybe many lives) that is it time to come IN.  That the wealth I manifest will be created to cause, confirm, enhance my enlightenment.  
Remember, all Masters go through this TO THIS DEGREE.....Jesus, Buddha, Krishna....."giving up" family, wealth, etc TO THE DEGREE it interferes with their enlightenment or acts as a distraction to their enlightenment and not an enhancement.
I had the experience of :"giving up" family in 2007 or was a personal encounter with grief of a degree that I have never experienced before or favor of enlightenment.  Remember everyone has their own sentience, their own path, their own free will and the "karma" path includes family....the path of seeking enlightenment is a path you travel alone or with your twin soul before you ascend off this planet.  Many come to this planet with the intention of foregoing family in order to finalize their karma and ascend...having children holds you back.  I am lucky to have had only one child who is already biologically quite enlightened and who intends not to have children and who just moved out of the house for good about two weeks ago.
Remember when Jesus said to a potential apostle who said he had to first go bury his father and then he would come and follow Jesus...."let the dead bury the dead".  That man did not drop everything and go with Jesus.  He forewent the "path" of illumination and enlightenment when the opportunity came up to seek Mastery with Jesus as his Teacher.  The path of the Billionaire Monk has been not to "drop everything" but to evolve one experience at a time so that those who have actually been dependent upon the path continuing have not been adversely affected.  Each person chooses for themselves based on their circumstances.  I would have thought it selfish to take this shift at any other time and my personal opinions of my Self would not allow me to make that move all in one step.
At the time I gave up "family" it was my family of origin I had to give up...I had a very large family whom I thought needed ME and so giving up putting them FIRST in my life in order to get Enlightenment felt to me like a betrayal, it felt very selfish.  It IS.  Don't kid yourself.  Soooo.......At the time, I held onto wealth as an experience to have BEFORE enlightenment, as if enlightenment was something you could "schedule for later" AFTER you had some other experience, like being a billionaire.....:))  I think I did that so that I could 'bring back" the priority of taking care of that family without having them be first in mind....I shifted A LOT, but not 100% to put Enlightenment before family.
To whatever degree you leave something else in FRONT OF Enlightenment, you decrease the degree to which it is effective.
And so, this CHOICE - because it IS a "choice" and one you can make at any time, once you UNDERSTAND the choice you are making - to put Enlightenment into effect, to assume the role of Master - to give up having experiences to learn from them - that is the choice that puts into your hands the ABILITIES of the Master, the EXPERIENCE of Enlightenment.
And so, I was originally going to show how a person uses the Laws of the Universe to manifest a fortune - these laws you might think of as the Law of Attraction, Cause and Effect, Law of Cycles, Law of Polarity, etc. and these are available to every HU-man on the planet to do just that.....they never go away.  I have used them before to bring in good fortune, luck, even wealth, by INTENTION.  None of these abilities "go away".  They are only SUPERCEDED by the power of the abilities that exist at the vibration of Enlightenment and the circumstances that exist because of the value and purpose of Enlightenment.
All day long today, after the midnight Merabh, I have had continuous "shifts" in consciousness around my past and imminently past choices to put Enlightenment FIRST and ALL.  I can FEEL each time a distraction gets in front of my Enlightenment and I FEEL myself physically gently moving it out of the way.
Do not fret about there being no wealth "in the picture' on the path, in the future.  Remember Solomon was King and one of the wealthiest kings of history.  But he put wisdom (enlightenment) BEFORE wealth, and his   wealth was key to his Enlightenment experience.   I believe there is no problem LOOKING for the wealth to manifest on the path, only putting it before the enlightenment causes certain problems.
And so I hope this experience of mine clarifies and illuminates the path.  I expect things will become quite busy from here, so I expect tuning in from time to time to see the past as it is documented and the future path as it comes to light will be quite a worthwhile experience.

May your path be full of clarity, low on distraction.

Peace and Light
Wealth and Right
Rock On
The Billionaire Monk

Watch As the Billionaire Monk Manifests A Fortune

Greetings, seekers.  Namaste.  I see you.
I propose to demonstrate manifesting a fortune on my blog in real time.
I hope you enjoy following along.
I expect it will take about a month, perhaps less.
Feel the Light
Abundant and Right
Rock On


Friday, July 12, 2013

"Buy low, Sell high" & the Laws of the Universe....or Try, Try Again

Greetings, seekers & manifestors, billionaires and monks.
A personal short story of mine today involves success in manifesting gains in stocks.
Years ago when I was relatively new at the process I picked out a stock and worked it into a manifested 300% gain.  I liked the stock, the story and I loved the reason I wanted the money, ie what I was intending to use the money for. It took me two weeks to choose the stock and predict where I wanted it to go, to choose a stock that would get there and would benefit people other than myself if it did.  It peaked first within 6-12 months, but I was busy with something else and I missed it totally.  Then when the event came that I really wanted / needed/desired the money for, it peaked again.  I went day after day quarreling with myself as to whether it had reached the top and finally sold.  The stock has never again come close to that level as far as I know.   The process I used was to "love" the stock in all its aspects - employees, vendors, officers, equipment, directors and their families, customers, etc. - every day three times a day....for 18 months.  For some reason I thought I needed to make it a LTCG so I went for 18 months.  It paid for my son's college.
Later, I tried to short cut the process and I did not get the same results.  I generated the love on some levels, but on one level I didn't like the idea of the stock being a penny stock and speculative.  Some of the story bothered me a bit.  I didn't take enough time thinking through all my "limiting feelings" with respect to the choice.  Right now that one is worth almost nothing.
Another pick I made too soon without thinking it through tanked the next day on news I could never have forseen and has not recovered yet.  I researched the story, liked the stock, loved the reason for wanting it to triple in value, but I didn't give it enough ATTENTION in the selection process and I was rushed in my decision because I had anxiety around teaching my son to trade and I was trading partly for his account anxious to teach him this material before he turned of age.  Too much negativity around the process.
Lately I had two stocks I followed for a year, but didn't feel I was getting the "signal" to get in, and while I was working on buying a house for my son, both of them quadrupled in value in one month.  I had let my eye wander, I didn't keep my "attention" on the ball. I intermittently "loved" the stocks, I even created a story around one of them that manifested, but I wasn't an owner so I didn't get the "bump" in value.  Consequently I missed a chance to make $400,000 in one month.
No problem.  There will be other fortunes to make in short order.
The universe is working constantly on what you want, and you are constantly thinking and creating out of the states of mind you are experiencing.  So, if you have a lot to do, you must tailor your "program" goals to the work you are able to do CONSTANTLY.  I'm sure it gets easier when you become Master of your Self, but Self-Mastery takes CONSTANT work and attention and does not wait for you to have spare time in between family crises, even good ones like graduations, engagements & weddings.  Fortunately there is always another opportunity that comes alone...the market goes up and down, in and out, back and forth and there is always something to invest in that is about to skyrocket.  The "feel" of the market is a reflection as exacting as a mirror, so you must be very sure you know yourself very well.
I believe the "preparation" is necessary to "clear" your feelings and provides certainty around the process as it is affected by your tendency for doubt, fear, buyers remorse, the cycle of high and low feelings people go through, the cycle of the cosmos, whatever physical or cosmic influences might affect your judgment.  I believe the "three times a day" rule is something of a benchmark for manifesting things over which there are many influencing factors;  it may also be a rule of thumb stemming from how the universe acts on a human being, ie we "reset" at night, so renewing the "programming" every day would be a no-brainer;  morning and evening are different states of mind for most people and for human metabolism, hence, three times a day is sort of a benchmark for "overkill".  That is if you miss one or two you've still done your work.  See what I mean?
I know if I put my mind to it, my heart in it, and work my mojo I can have that $400,000 opportunity, or better, back by the end of August.  It takes no more focus the second time than the first time to take a shot at having the universe manifest your desires.
Happy manifesting, fellow seekers!
The Billionaire Monk

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

5D As a Lifestyle....A Non-monetization Solution to Poverty

Living in 3D can feel very slow, at least it has to me.
In 5D everything seems faster and more fulfilling, but only if it has 3D results does that feeling of fulfillment seem to last for me...that is how it can be shared with others....if we are not here to share, why would we be here with so many others?
Living in 5D but seeing 3D results is what I feel is the goal if the multidimensional experience, or at least it is as I have chosen it.
There is a solution in 5D to poverty. It can be completely eliminated.  There are many templates for that.  I came up with one today that I like to think would be one of the easiest because it involves the concept of healing.  Healing is a great concept or template because it can not really be misused.  A human being or a pet can be healed using many different templates or modalities of healing.  Some have been around for eons.  Reiki, for example.  Now there is Qui Gong, Falon Gong, Matrix Energetics, Quantum Touch.....all healing modalities are doing basically the same thing in the physical and multidimensional field, but the work is slightly different in the mind and so everyone with a healing modality comes up with a different name.  Most stick to the healing of living things, but there is not that much difference between healing a brother or sister and healing your car, your house, your water, your food.
Poverty would be much eliminated by each person KNOWING and being able to CONSCIOUSLY ACCESS the healing field and energy for the purpose of healing broken cars, imperfect food, homes that need work on them.  This knowing can be used to change the value of whatever thing a person owns and has authority over by changing thy health of the thing.  A perfectly painted and repaired home that has been loved and cared for is worth a lot, compared to one that needs a new roof, is infested with bats, is falling apart, and has been abandoned.  So the difference in "things" as in hu-mans is the amount of love energy.  This energy of agape love is unlimited and can be accessed at any time.
Do we not have too many "things" laying around in a state of abandonment and waste.  What do we do to recover these piles and piles of trash that need to be managed?  Any of these things that can be healed and are not beyond "saving" can be what changes the experience of poverty into an experience of abundance.  Homes, food, water, people....all can be reclaimed by erasing the "memory" of abandonment and decay and acknowledging the inner value, the original purpose, and healing back to blueprint.
We gather people into churches to give them hope, but the hope is INSIDE them, the power of God is INSIDE them and even the local trained religious orders have forgotten the most important principles of their faith...the power to heal.  Why was Jesus Christ such a phenomenon except that he could heal the sick and bring the recently deceased back to life on occasion?  What BETTER way to change poverty into abundance than to revive the life into what already IS instead of having to dispose of what is in order to change it into something else?  Each template is possible, but the former takes fewer steps.  To teach this aspect of faith requires only the reclaiming of the memory of where the energy for healing comes from and knowing it comes from INSIDE is the first step.
The second step is to have FAITH in one's  fellow man....knowing that each man has an unlimited ability to improve him SELF - not for the country or the company or to go from being a wage slave to being a work slave or to being a professional work slave, but FOR him SELF, to evolve into the god (HU) man he already IS.
That does not mean we should abandon the programs we have now to help the poor - JUST THE OPPOSITE!  Those who are not poor should expand their love and caring of the poor for the purpose of assisting in erasing the memory of poverty and allowing the blossoming out of the HU man of the remembrance of the HU man's true nature.  Nothing works faster than 5D at least nothing in 3D does.  It is the old 3D memory that is holding back the poor from experiencing abundance.  Everyone who is NOT poor BENEFITS exponentially from helping the poor experience abundance. Just as all who are NOT ILL benefit exponentially from helping the sick become well.  Just as all who are not blind benefit from helping the blind to see.  Those who think the poor oughta be made destitute in order to force them to feel the fear of poverty think FORCE is more powerful than LOVE and they operate from ignorance.  Only the knowledge of what LOVE and ABUNDANCE feels like can draw a person out of poverty to love and abundance.  Trust me, they already know what force feels new "polarity" experience is there to benefit from.
The path of the Billionaire Monk is the same as the path from poverty to abundance, it's just a different part of the path, all energy goes in the same direction.  Non-monetization or "Un-Monetization" of the solution does not interfere with the capitalist system or any other economic system (nor does any other template or archetype or program that would solve poverty). Abundance only makes everyone richer by raising the standard of living for all.  
Peace and Light
Wealth and Right
Rock On

The Day the Eagle Came

Greetings, seekers.
Today I manifested, co-created, attracted....whatever you understand to be the eagle.  I was communicating with the ALL (until that point, the communication was quite one way, the subject matter being  my own "alpha" or you might call it, my god-ness, my ability to influence, shift, adapt, move, change, manifest with respect to the environment I find myself in.
Pretty cool response, eh?  I have four totems, and one is the eagle...I call it "courage", which is 200-250 hz approximately, the vibration of "empowerment" per the Map of Consciousness intuited by Dr David ("Doc") Hawkins, one of the masters I've studied to become what I am.  The ALL basically "mirrored" back to me what I was thinking about.
I wasn't just "thinking" about it, by the way, I was mentally "exercising" at the time, I was mentally exercising my "dominance" over the environment...gently of course, as my "goddess" energy is utterly beneficial and not controlling.  I had gotten wrapped up in it over my assertion of being "alpha" over my dog.  Sometimes she barks at other dogs and if I am aware of her energy rearing up, and I have the energy to dominate her energetically, I do it to spare the her, the other dog and the other owners the experience of her alpha state.  A dog with an owner feels more relaxed if the owner takes the dominant energy state in a situation because then the dog can assume it's being handled and the dog does not have to become excited and can enjoy her day.  It is work for me to assume the dominant energy over my dog because she is quite alpha and I have not trained her not to be, even though she is 13 years old, as I sort of inherited her from a family member and I had not intended to take this responsibility but now I think she is mine at least for the duration and so I am rising to the task of being her leader.
After working on her for awhile, partly in meditation (5th D) and partly in practical mode (3D) over the dog, I merged the two and ended up with this experience of bringing the eagle in.  Some people get a feather....doesn't impress me anymore.  This was a whole bird, and my totem to boot. Gotta respect the messenger who goes out of its way like that.
I watched the eagle for a while marveling at it, as we do not get them here.  Then I realized everyone in the park was also marveling at it and watching it.  It flew over the lake much in a circle for a long time (more than ten minutes) after I noticed it and then flew so high we could barely see it.  I realized that it had distracted me from my work on my Self and I needed to get back to "work".  I got to see it so close that I could verify what I was looking at was my totem, but I also had to verify it with some of the people in the park, just to be sure it was real and that it was what I thought it was.
On my path, "trying it out" and defining the rules for exercising the HU or "god" part of the HU-MAN has been what has been most effective in finding or identifying laws or rules that work for me.  Now of course, my work is to continue exercising until I get an actual "cause and effect" relationship between the work I do to co-create something and the result I expect or desire.
Have a great day co-creating beneficial stuff, fellow seekers!

One-ness The State of Mind of Manifesting

Greetings, seekers.  Today, I manifested a little rain and a cooler temperature on a walk with my and on, from time to time, for the past 5 years I've been co-creating rain.  It seems to work best when I really would love to have some rain, but I don't absolutely need it.  I have always loved the's a fond memory of mine as a child sitting on the porch under a blanked during a thunderstorm with my dad telling scary (or not so scary) stories.  From the dramatic (but undestructive) electrical storm to the soft summer shower, I love the pitter patter sound of the raindrops, the feel of the cool breeze, and how the rain cleans everything in the environment from the negative energy to the dusty sidewalks.
Two days in a row manifesting rain when there is no forecast for it can really brighten your day especially if the forecast is for 90 degree weather.
One-ness is the state of mind from which intentional manifesting is done - that is what I believe.  Being mentally "one with all that is" while "offering" the vibration of agape love (528 in the Soffregio tones or on the Map of Consciousness scale) puts you in touch with "ALL THAT IS", with everything on the level of the god-particle, the sub-atomic level where particles become waves and waves become particles.
After today, I am wondering if that "17 second rule" might be the amount of time it takes to manifest and not the amount of time you must hold the space.  Love to hear what your experience has been on that.
I see you (your divinity).