Wednesday, July 10, 2013

5D As a Lifestyle....A Non-monetization Solution to Poverty

Living in 3D can feel very slow, at least it has to me.
In 5D everything seems faster and more fulfilling, but only if it has 3D results does that feeling of fulfillment seem to last for me...that is how it can be shared with others....if we are not here to share, why would we be here with so many others?
Living in 5D but seeing 3D results is what I feel is the goal if the multidimensional experience, or at least it is as I have chosen it.
There is a solution in 5D to poverty. It can be completely eliminated.  There are many templates for that.  I came up with one today that I like to think would be one of the easiest because it involves the concept of healing.  Healing is a great concept or template because it can not really be misused.  A human being or a pet can be healed using many different templates or modalities of healing.  Some have been around for eons.  Reiki, for example.  Now there is Qui Gong, Falon Gong, Matrix Energetics, Quantum Touch.....all healing modalities are doing basically the same thing in the physical and multidimensional field, but the work is slightly different in the mind and so everyone with a healing modality comes up with a different name.  Most stick to the healing of living things, but there is not that much difference between healing a brother or sister and healing your car, your house, your water, your food.
Poverty would be much eliminated by each person KNOWING and being able to CONSCIOUSLY ACCESS the healing field and energy for the purpose of healing broken cars, imperfect food, homes that need work on them.  This knowing can be used to change the value of whatever thing a person owns and has authority over by changing thy health of the thing.  A perfectly painted and repaired home that has been loved and cared for is worth a lot, compared to one that needs a new roof, is infested with bats, is falling apart, and has been abandoned.  So the difference in "things" as in hu-mans is the amount of love energy.  This energy of agape love is unlimited and can be accessed at any time.
Do we not have too many "things" laying around in a state of abandonment and waste.  What do we do to recover these piles and piles of trash that need to be managed?  Any of these things that can be healed and are not beyond "saving" can be what changes the experience of poverty into an experience of abundance.  Homes, food, water, people....all can be reclaimed by erasing the "memory" of abandonment and decay and acknowledging the inner value, the original purpose, and healing back to blueprint.
We gather people into churches to give them hope, but the hope is INSIDE them, the power of God is INSIDE them and even the local trained religious orders have forgotten the most important principles of their faith...the power to heal.  Why was Jesus Christ such a phenomenon except that he could heal the sick and bring the recently deceased back to life on occasion?  What BETTER way to change poverty into abundance than to revive the life into what already IS instead of having to dispose of what is in order to change it into something else?  Each template is possible, but the former takes fewer steps.  To teach this aspect of faith requires only the reclaiming of the memory of where the energy for healing comes from and knowing it comes from INSIDE is the first step.
The second step is to have FAITH in one's  fellow man....knowing that each man has an unlimited ability to improve him SELF - not for the country or the company or to go from being a wage slave to being a work slave or to being a professional work slave, but FOR him SELF, to evolve into the god (HU) man he already IS.
That does not mean we should abandon the programs we have now to help the poor - JUST THE OPPOSITE!  Those who are not poor should expand their love and caring of the poor for the purpose of assisting in erasing the memory of poverty and allowing the blossoming out of the HU man of the remembrance of the HU man's true nature.  Nothing works faster than 5D at least nothing in 3D does.  It is the old 3D memory that is holding back the poor from experiencing abundance.  Everyone who is NOT poor BENEFITS exponentially from helping the poor experience abundance. Just as all who are NOT ILL benefit exponentially from helping the sick become well.  Just as all who are not blind benefit from helping the blind to see.  Those who think the poor oughta be made destitute in order to force them to feel the fear of poverty think FORCE is more powerful than LOVE and they operate from ignorance.  Only the knowledge of what LOVE and ABUNDANCE feels like can draw a person out of poverty to love and abundance.  Trust me, they already know what force feels new "polarity" experience is there to benefit from.
The path of the Billionaire Monk is the same as the path from poverty to abundance, it's just a different part of the path, all energy goes in the same direction.  Non-monetization or "Un-Monetization" of the solution does not interfere with the capitalist system or any other economic system (nor does any other template or archetype or program that would solve poverty). Abundance only makes everyone richer by raising the standard of living for all.  
Peace and Light
Wealth and Right
Rock On

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