Monday, July 15, 2013

Assuming Mastery (some details to come)

July 15, 2013
Greetings seekers!
It has been a week since I committed to showing you how I manifest a fortune.  I will have to fill in the blog posts for the past week as things have moved so fast and there is so much to share that I could not fit it all in and still experience the benefit I intended which is to show you how a Billionaire and  Monk can live in the same body sucessfully, peacefully, productively so that you can understand and experience sufficiently to know and understand the path
Here is a summary of how I started off (details later):
First I set aside all else and focused on creating a program (details later) within which I scheduled into my day every practice I have learned which I attribute to the path of the Billionaire Monk....many practices that I have learned are required, I have found, to keep me FOCUSED on the path CONSTANTLY enough to cause the intended result, whatever it is...this time of course, it is the manifesting of a fortune in wealth.
Then I practiced these daily, every day, all day, intently.  It did require giving up a few things you might find a little daunting....including TV, family, almost outside activities and clubs which involved any conflict, personal challenges, psychology, use of 3D professional skills, or negative energy.  (details later)  I was able to maintain a meeting with a group of writers, an all day event with my son in a town I had to drive all day to in order to bring him some stuff he wanted to move, an interaction with some children in the neighborhood whom I protect, several daily emails, and a counseling of a neophyte off the path.
Immediately I was confronted by distractions....I mean, in one hour four people tried to drag me off what I was doing and I had to terminate contact without intention to renew....I mean give up a relationship essentially, change my relationship with a person essentially forever.  (details later)

Here is a summary of what happened next (details later):
Then things began to happen.  I had several "ascension" experiences, including intense insights (details later) and one physical manifestation of my ultimate power as a HU-Man to "call in" whatever I wanted to manifest, that is, the domination of the spirit of a HU-Man over his environment and experiences.
Then about midnight last night I had the ultimate epiphany.  I consulted two of my sites ( and and I took from the latter's July 6 "event" (see the "Library") the Merabh "shift" to "Embodied Enlightenent" - that is, I "assumed Mastery" - I assumed the role of Master (ie no longer a student, but a Master).  (more details later).
This is a big one.  It involves constant recognition that changes one's perception from conscious awareness that just about everything in nature is a "distraction" to EVERYTHING that happens is for the purpose of MY enlightenment.  It makes  ME the most important thing there is in the world I live in.  I put my own Enlightenment BEFORE family (details later), wealth (details later) and all else.

And here is some CONTEXT to understand the SHIFT and the Role of the Master (what I have been calling "the path of the Monk" has evolved to the path of Embodied Enlightenment, or, the path of the Master, but I think I'll keep calling it the path of the Billionaire Monk for now):
Now that I have ASSUMED the Role of Master, it doesn't mean I'll never be rich, it means I have confirmed to myself and the Universe and to that I AM energy that has been hanging around me WAITING for my entire life (maybe many lives) that is it time to come IN.  That the wealth I manifest will be created to cause, confirm, enhance my enlightenment.  
Remember, all Masters go through this TO THIS DEGREE.....Jesus, Buddha, Krishna....."giving up" family, wealth, etc TO THE DEGREE it interferes with their enlightenment or acts as a distraction to their enlightenment and not an enhancement.
I had the experience of :"giving up" family in 2007 or was a personal encounter with grief of a degree that I have never experienced before or favor of enlightenment.  Remember everyone has their own sentience, their own path, their own free will and the "karma" path includes family....the path of seeking enlightenment is a path you travel alone or with your twin soul before you ascend off this planet.  Many come to this planet with the intention of foregoing family in order to finalize their karma and ascend...having children holds you back.  I am lucky to have had only one child who is already biologically quite enlightened and who intends not to have children and who just moved out of the house for good about two weeks ago.
Remember when Jesus said to a potential apostle who said he had to first go bury his father and then he would come and follow Jesus...."let the dead bury the dead".  That man did not drop everything and go with Jesus.  He forewent the "path" of illumination and enlightenment when the opportunity came up to seek Mastery with Jesus as his Teacher.  The path of the Billionaire Monk has been not to "drop everything" but to evolve one experience at a time so that those who have actually been dependent upon the path continuing have not been adversely affected.  Each person chooses for themselves based on their circumstances.  I would have thought it selfish to take this shift at any other time and my personal opinions of my Self would not allow me to make that move all in one step.
At the time I gave up "family" it was my family of origin I had to give up...I had a very large family whom I thought needed ME and so giving up putting them FIRST in my life in order to get Enlightenment felt to me like a betrayal, it felt very selfish.  It IS.  Don't kid yourself.  Soooo.......At the time, I held onto wealth as an experience to have BEFORE enlightenment, as if enlightenment was something you could "schedule for later" AFTER you had some other experience, like being a billionaire.....:))  I think I did that so that I could 'bring back" the priority of taking care of that family without having them be first in mind....I shifted A LOT, but not 100% to put Enlightenment before family.
To whatever degree you leave something else in FRONT OF Enlightenment, you decrease the degree to which it is effective.
And so, this CHOICE - because it IS a "choice" and one you can make at any time, once you UNDERSTAND the choice you are making - to put Enlightenment into effect, to assume the role of Master - to give up having experiences to learn from them - that is the choice that puts into your hands the ABILITIES of the Master, the EXPERIENCE of Enlightenment.
And so, I was originally going to show how a person uses the Laws of the Universe to manifest a fortune - these laws you might think of as the Law of Attraction, Cause and Effect, Law of Cycles, Law of Polarity, etc. and these are available to every HU-man on the planet to do just that.....they never go away.  I have used them before to bring in good fortune, luck, even wealth, by INTENTION.  None of these abilities "go away".  They are only SUPERCEDED by the power of the abilities that exist at the vibration of Enlightenment and the circumstances that exist because of the value and purpose of Enlightenment.
All day long today, after the midnight Merabh, I have had continuous "shifts" in consciousness around my past and imminently past choices to put Enlightenment FIRST and ALL.  I can FEEL each time a distraction gets in front of my Enlightenment and I FEEL myself physically gently moving it out of the way.
Do not fret about there being no wealth "in the picture' on the path, in the future.  Remember Solomon was King and one of the wealthiest kings of history.  But he put wisdom (enlightenment) BEFORE wealth, and his   wealth was key to his Enlightenment experience.   I believe there is no problem LOOKING for the wealth to manifest on the path, only putting it before the enlightenment causes certain problems.
And so I hope this experience of mine clarifies and illuminates the path.  I expect things will become quite busy from here, so I expect tuning in from time to time to see the past as it is documented and the future path as it comes to light will be quite a worthwhile experience.

May your path be full of clarity, low on distraction.

Peace and Light
Wealth and Right
Rock On
The Billionaire Monk

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