Wednesday, July 10, 2013

One-ness The State of Mind of Manifesting

Greetings, seekers.  Today, I manifested a little rain and a cooler temperature on a walk with my and on, from time to time, for the past 5 years I've been co-creating rain.  It seems to work best when I really would love to have some rain, but I don't absolutely need it.  I have always loved the's a fond memory of mine as a child sitting on the porch under a blanked during a thunderstorm with my dad telling scary (or not so scary) stories.  From the dramatic (but undestructive) electrical storm to the soft summer shower, I love the pitter patter sound of the raindrops, the feel of the cool breeze, and how the rain cleans everything in the environment from the negative energy to the dusty sidewalks.
Two days in a row manifesting rain when there is no forecast for it can really brighten your day especially if the forecast is for 90 degree weather.
One-ness is the state of mind from which intentional manifesting is done - that is what I believe.  Being mentally "one with all that is" while "offering" the vibration of agape love (528 in the Soffregio tones or on the Map of Consciousness scale) puts you in touch with "ALL THAT IS", with everything on the level of the god-particle, the sub-atomic level where particles become waves and waves become particles.
After today, I am wondering if that "17 second rule" might be the amount of time it takes to manifest and not the amount of time you must hold the space.  Love to hear what your experience has been on that.
I see you (your divinity).

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