Friday, July 12, 2013

"Buy low, Sell high" & the Laws of the Universe....or Try, Try Again

Greetings, seekers & manifestors, billionaires and monks.
A personal short story of mine today involves success in manifesting gains in stocks.
Years ago when I was relatively new at the process I picked out a stock and worked it into a manifested 300% gain.  I liked the stock, the story and I loved the reason I wanted the money, ie what I was intending to use the money for. It took me two weeks to choose the stock and predict where I wanted it to go, to choose a stock that would get there and would benefit people other than myself if it did.  It peaked first within 6-12 months, but I was busy with something else and I missed it totally.  Then when the event came that I really wanted / needed/desired the money for, it peaked again.  I went day after day quarreling with myself as to whether it had reached the top and finally sold.  The stock has never again come close to that level as far as I know.   The process I used was to "love" the stock in all its aspects - employees, vendors, officers, equipment, directors and their families, customers, etc. - every day three times a day....for 18 months.  For some reason I thought I needed to make it a LTCG so I went for 18 months.  It paid for my son's college.
Later, I tried to short cut the process and I did not get the same results.  I generated the love on some levels, but on one level I didn't like the idea of the stock being a penny stock and speculative.  Some of the story bothered me a bit.  I didn't take enough time thinking through all my "limiting feelings" with respect to the choice.  Right now that one is worth almost nothing.
Another pick I made too soon without thinking it through tanked the next day on news I could never have forseen and has not recovered yet.  I researched the story, liked the stock, loved the reason for wanting it to triple in value, but I didn't give it enough ATTENTION in the selection process and I was rushed in my decision because I had anxiety around teaching my son to trade and I was trading partly for his account anxious to teach him this material before he turned of age.  Too much negativity around the process.
Lately I had two stocks I followed for a year, but didn't feel I was getting the "signal" to get in, and while I was working on buying a house for my son, both of them quadrupled in value in one month.  I had let my eye wander, I didn't keep my "attention" on the ball. I intermittently "loved" the stocks, I even created a story around one of them that manifested, but I wasn't an owner so I didn't get the "bump" in value.  Consequently I missed a chance to make $400,000 in one month.
No problem.  There will be other fortunes to make in short order.
The universe is working constantly on what you want, and you are constantly thinking and creating out of the states of mind you are experiencing.  So, if you have a lot to do, you must tailor your "program" goals to the work you are able to do CONSTANTLY.  I'm sure it gets easier when you become Master of your Self, but Self-Mastery takes CONSTANT work and attention and does not wait for you to have spare time in between family crises, even good ones like graduations, engagements & weddings.  Fortunately there is always another opportunity that comes alone...the market goes up and down, in and out, back and forth and there is always something to invest in that is about to skyrocket.  The "feel" of the market is a reflection as exacting as a mirror, so you must be very sure you know yourself very well.
I believe the "preparation" is necessary to "clear" your feelings and provides certainty around the process as it is affected by your tendency for doubt, fear, buyers remorse, the cycle of high and low feelings people go through, the cycle of the cosmos, whatever physical or cosmic influences might affect your judgment.  I believe the "three times a day" rule is something of a benchmark for manifesting things over which there are many influencing factors;  it may also be a rule of thumb stemming from how the universe acts on a human being, ie we "reset" at night, so renewing the "programming" every day would be a no-brainer;  morning and evening are different states of mind for most people and for human metabolism, hence, three times a day is sort of a benchmark for "overkill".  That is if you miss one or two you've still done your work.  See what I mean?
I know if I put my mind to it, my heart in it, and work my mojo I can have that $400,000 opportunity, or better, back by the end of August.  It takes no more focus the second time than the first time to take a shot at having the universe manifest your desires.
Happy manifesting, fellow seekers!
The Billionaire Monk

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